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Peer Massage – The Essential Guide (With 8 Exercises)

Peer massage is something growing in popularity in many schools around the world. This is fantastic news, as it is just what modern children need – a way of reducing stress, developing mindfulness, and also encouraging cooperation. First, what is peer massage? Peer massage is children massaging other children. It is done fully clothed and …

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14 Emotion Games For Preschoolers

Learning about emotions or emotional literacy is incredibly important. Also, it takes a lot of time for most children. Structured games can really help this process, as well as talking about feelings a lot as the children are playing. The best 14 emotion games for preschoolers are: Children need to recognize emotions in others, and …

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28 Relaxation Techniques For Kids

There are a huge number of relaxation techniques for children, most of which can be done either at home or at school. These have many benefits – including relieving stress, strengthening concentration, and helping children feel happier. Some of the best relaxation techniques for children include self-massage, fun breathing games, mindful movement games, peer massage, …

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15 Get To Know Me Activities (That Actually Work)

Helping children get to know each other is a massive deal! There are lots of issues when there is a group of kids together – what are everyone’s names, what are everyone’s likes and dislikes, and just generally how can we all be friends? Supporting the process of getting everyone to know each other helps …

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Mindful Breathing For Kids – 15 Games

Being able to control our breathing is one of the best ways of calming us down. All children, and particularly those that are prone to worry or anxiety, will find learning some breathing games to have huge benefits. The big thing to remember is make it fun! Turn the practice of controlling our breathing into …

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21 Listening Games For Kids (That You’ve Got To Try)

Of all the skills to learn in life, one of the most important is learning to listen. This underpins all areas of the curriculum. However, it is easier said than done. We have all seen children that roll around on the floor whenever it is time to listen to an adult. So how do we …

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How To Motivate Preschoolers – 15 Strategies That Work

Got a bored pre-schooler at home? Or maybe you have some pre-schoolers in your school or nursery that just don’t seem interested in anything? Then you’ve come to right place to sort this problem. Pretty much the key to education is motivation. If children are interested and curious then they will learn. It really is …

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Puppet Teaching – 22 Ways To Use Them In The Classroom

Puppets act like magic on young children! They can be the difference between children rolling around on the floor during a carpet time, or sitting in captivated awe! Children are usually far more excited by puppets than they are by humans, and the research suggests this also. But how can you use puppets in teaching? …

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