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What is Scaffolding in Child Development?

Have you ever wondered how children develop new skills or how they begin to make new connections and learn new concepts? How do they learn to talk, understand language, and communicate? Have you ever considered how they develop physical skills so that they can crawl, then walk, run, jump, climb, and manipulate objects, such as …

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How to Prepare Your Child For the First Day of Preschool

It’s here quicker than you ever imagined – your child’s first day of preschool. It’s a huge milestone in a child’s young life but it can also feel like a momentous occasion for parents. Children have to separate from their parents at some point. It’s a normal and healthy part of life but it can …

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11 Wonderful Emotions Activities for Preschoolers

It’s really important to give preschool children the language to describe their emotions. Otherwise, they can’t tell us how they are feeling. This can lead to frustration, and that frustration, in turn, can lead to unwanted or challenging behaviors. We adults need to remember that behind every unwanted behavior, there is a child with an …

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Yoga for Preschoolers: Fun Yoga Poses to Try

As a yoga teacher for over 12 years, I have witnessed the benefits of yoga for very young children in my own classroom. No matter their age, yoga for kids can develop balance, flexibility, and increase positive energy and well-being. Teaching kids yoga can be done on mats in the classroom or at home. Benefits …

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10 Physical Literacy Examples for You to Try

What is Physical Literacy? Physical Literacy is more than just Physical Education or sport. Physical literacy is all about building strong foundations for children so that they become physically active in a wide range of activities as they grow. If you are physically literate, it means you are competent in movement and sports skills, such …

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10 Brilliant Bucket Filler Activities

Why use bucket filler activities? Bucket filler activities are brilliant for children’s social and emotional development, especially in today’s world, where we are still recovering from a pandemic, followed by an overload of depressing news stories! It can sometimes feel like we are bombarded with bad news, most of which is completely out of our …

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How to Plan Zoo Activities for Preschoolers

Introduction Have you ever thought about bringing the zoo to your classroom? If you haven’t, I can tell you from experience that zoo activities for preschoolers are an amazing opportunity to engage and inspire kids. Setting up a zoo-themed classroom and including animal-related activities can produce a vibrant learning space that will attract the attention …

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20 Gross Motor Activities For Preschoolers

I’ve worked with preschoolers for years, and so I can speak from experience that it is important to provide young children the opportunity to participate in physical activities that support their gross motor development. When parents and educators encourage preschoolers to engage in such activities that test their balance, coordination, strength, and endurance on a …

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