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11 Easy to Prepare Preschool Shape Activities

Learning shapes in preschool is important because it helps children to identify and organize visual information. Being able to sort and match items like shapes is a good foundation for learning in other curriculum areas later on, including reading, mathematics, and science. Being able to identify shapes is an early step in beginning to discriminate …

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4 Super Simple Toddler Science Experiments

Introduction Science education is essential to a child’s general development, starting from an early age. Through preschool science experiments, parents and teachers are able to cultivate natural curiosity in toddlers, boost their cognitive development, and provide a solid basis for future learning. Young kids gain a lot of intellectual, social, and emotional benefits from participating in …

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10 Brilliant Bucket Filler Activities

Why use bucket filler activities? Bucket filler activities are brilliant for children’s social and emotional development, especially in today’s world, where we are still recovering from a pandemic, followed by an overload of depressing news stories! It can sometimes feel like we are bombarded with bad news, most of which is completely out of our …

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Fun Spaghetti Art Ideas for Kids Under 7

Spaghetti art is something you don’t hear about every day. Given that spaghetti is cheap to buy, it’s a great resource that can be used in different forms (boiled or raw) to create a rainbow of art activities for kids. In my 10 years of experience teaching young children, I found that their creativity has …

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Treasure Baskets For Toddlers – Tips & 100+ Ideas

Something amazing is going on in the world of early education at the moment. Teachers are beginning to realize the true value of their children playing with natural and authentic resources. And it doesn’t come any more natural than treasure baskets! Treasure baskets are shallow baskets that are usually made of wicker. They are filled …

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19 Fantastic Filling And Emptying Activities

Is your child going through the stage when they want to tip everything out? Do they seem to tip over anything and everything in their path? You might find this hard to believe, but the answer to get them through this stage quickly is to provide lots more filling and emptying activities in as many …

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